Purchasing a log splitter is a large investment, you want to buy right first time and not end up with machine that doesn’t last a year. There are a lot of log splitters still currently for sale that fall short of being a reliable product, we hope that the information below will help you with your purchase.
A good starting point is to make contact with the seller, ask questions until you are satisfied with the answers. If you are within driving range, make a visit and check over the products. Phone the seller and discuss the products, you will get an idea as to whether they know their products or not. Avoid sellers that have no phone contact, there is usually a negative reason for this. If considering purchasing through an online auction site, check past buyer’s feedback. Check for the negative feedback, this will show if the seller has provided a quality product and how they resolve any issues with their products. Ask how long the seller has been in business and selling their products, a long history will usually reflect good business practise and customer service.
Compare “Apples with Apples”, many components on a wood splitter may look the same and it can be hard to distinguish between quality and budget. Components such as control valves, hose connections, rams and pumps can vary in quality, and will determine the reliability of the machine. When comparing control valves, look for a “one piece body” type, these are typically an American design and don’t have screw on parts such as detent covers. They will run spool shaft seals, not orings and have a built in pressure bypass valve. Quality hoses and connections are a must, curved connections help with flow to reduce heat and some hoses come with anti-burst protection covers to in case of a high pressure leak.
Declared specifications of a log splitters power can vary considerably between brands and sellers, Power (Ton rate) is calculated by pressure (pump PSI) and area (Ram diameter) only. Below is an approximate guide to what Ton rate should be close to:
3.5” Ram = 15 Ton
4.5” Ram = 25 Ton
5” Ram = 30 Ton
5.5” Ram = 37 Ton
6” Ram = 50 Ton
Don’t be fooled by specification manipulations such as control valves having 5000psi plus pressure to make high power rate calculations. The control valve may be rated at 5000psi but won’t achieve this due the pump supply having a maximum of 3000psi!
It’s a “buyer beware” market, watch out for excessive claims of log splitter weights, Ton rates, reinforced beams etc. If these are a lot higher than other comparable brands, its usually over stated and false advertising.
We hope this information helps you in your purchase of a log splitter.